Below are a few of our current favorites. This is a small selection to give you a sense of the work we collect and sell. UntitledPaul Franklin | 1969 | oil on canvas Untitled (Seated Figure)Anonymous | 20th c. | charcoal on paper Standing FigureEmily Reynolds | 2021 | unglazed terra-cotta Untitled (Musicians)Vandenburg | Mid-20th c. | oil on canvas, gold leaf frame Silly GunsRussell Christoffersen | Late 20th c. | oil on canvas Smoker Unknown Czech artist | 20th c. | oil on masonite, gold leaf frame Untitled (Still Life with Fish)Kelch | 1953 | oil on canvas, floater frame Untitled (Pink Chairs)Russell Christoffersen | Late 20th c. | oil on canvas Untitled (Still Life with Fruit, Pitcher and Sculpture)Gösta Liljedahl | 1940s | oil on canvas UntitledAnonymous | 20th c. | pale pink marble UntitledRussell Christoffersen | Late 20th c. | mixed media on paper Make an Inquiry